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Projects and Campaigns

On, we believe that every women has the right to reach their fullest potential. Through our platform, we hope to promote gender equity; fairness of treatment for men and women according to their respective needs, in terms of rights, benefits, obligations, and opportunities.

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BeautyFest Asia

The first, largest, and most comprehensive Beauty Festival in Indonesia, connecting Beauty Enthusiasts with Beauty Creators and Beauty Brands. With more than 30.000 attendance over the course of 3 days on BeautyFest Asia 2023 at The Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, BeautyFest Asia is built to help fast forward and strengthen the beauty industry in Indonesia.


Future is Female

Future is Female, a social movement by dedicated to ambitious women who are trying to find success on their own terms. From discovering the perfect career path to building a business as womenpreneurs, Future is Female gathers top female names in the industry to share their success stories to inspire every women's journey to success.



Pejuang Pulih

Pejuang Pulih by acts as a safe space for people who are not feeling their best, to be able to heal, rest and recuperate. With more than 10.000 active audience on its Instagram platform, inspiring daily content and weekly podcast episode, Pejuang Pulih strive to bring more awareness about the importance of mental health in Indonesia.


Popbela Red Carpet

Indonesia's first live fashion red carpet program with numerous celebrity guest stars talking about their fashion choices, trends, and the latest update as well as short-interviews broadcasted live on YouTube, highlighting the fun and glamorous experience from the red carpet to everyone's screen wherever they might be.

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